What is conjunctiva in the eye?
The conjunctiva is the thin film that covers the whites of the eyes and the inner surface of the eyelids. Conjunctival inflammation can be divided into two types: chronic and acute. It is the most common cause of red eyes and sticky secretions.
Symptoms of Conjunctivitis – Is conjunctivitis Painful?
The conjunctiva itself may only be slightly congested and red, with not much secretion. There may be a burning foreign body sensation, itching, heavy eyelids, and easy fatigue. These symptoms will be more obvious in the evening. If the cause and source of stimulation cannot be avoided, symptoms will occur frequently and it will be difficult to cure.
What causes conjunctivitis?
The cause of chronic conjunctivitis is mainly caused by bacterial infection. For example, conjunctivitis eyelids are invaded by bacteria and have not been properly treated, or it is caused by repeated external stimulation, such as wind, smoke, flying dust, etc.
Sometimes there is a problem with the eyelids, such as inverted eyelashes that constantly irritate the eyes, or ectropion of the eyelids that exposes the conjunctiva to the air for a long time, causing dryness and redness, or dacryocystitis and inflammation of the skin around the eyes, which can also cause inflammation of the conjunctiva.
Dry eye syndrome cannot effectively moisten the eyes due to reduced tear secretion and is more sensitive to external environmental stimulation, which can also cause chronic conjunctivitis.
Is conjunctivitis easy to cure?
If there is too much water in your eyes, you can wash it with warm water. But it must be treated by a doctor. In addition to clearing secretions from the eyelid margin, hot compresses, washing eyelashes, applying ointments and oral antibiotics are all helpful.
Treatment for conjunctivitis (conjunctiva)
- The treatment of chronic conjunctivitis mainly involves finding out the cause so that we can prescribe the right medicine. If the infection is caused by bacteria and treatment is ineffective, the pathogenic bacteria must be detected before effective drugs can be given.
- If it is caused by the external environment, you should try to avoid contact with irritants. If you go out less, you can reduce wind and exposure to oil, smoke, and dust.
- If there are eyelid problems, such as trichiasis and ectropion, surgical treatment is sometimes necessary. If it is chronic blepharitis, more effort will be required to treat it.
- If inflammation is caused by dry eye, it is best to use preservative-free artificial tears. If it is caused by long-term use of eye drops, you can stop taking the medicine for a period of time.
Prevention for conjunctiva
- If your eyes are prone to pain, avoid contact with irritants such as cigarette smoke, and avoid wearing makeup around your eyes.
- Do not use eye ointments, eye drops, and eye washes on your own, as these over-the-counter medicines may irritate your eyes. You should use them as directed by your doctor.
- People who wear contact lenses should pay special attention to the cleaning of the lenses.